He then proved it with a pair of quirky albums: Early 2011's Heart Failure was a sweet-natured concept piece about a complicated but ultimately rewarding monogamous relationship; Torae also dropped For the Record in November 2011, an album that finds the artist wracked by self-doubt over his music career. So where does Torae fit in? For now, he's a supremely talented vocalist in the East Coast's oft-ignored underground scene, and his rhymes flow as furiously as wordsmiths like Jay-Z or Termanology. But he's also canny enough to expose his neuroses in public, resulting in hip-hop that's more compelling than the usual indie rap. By interrogating himself and others, Torae grows as an artist. As he says on For the Record, "How many of y'all is gonna do the math?" --Mosi Reeves, Google Music
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